
Japan Deposits

Provider Rate
Nomura 1 Year Time Deposit

The interest yield is for a yen denominated account with a 1 year term and is before tax.

1 Month - 0.07%

3 Month - 0.14%

6 Month - 0.20%

12 Month - 0.24%

1 year
Sep 2019
MUFG 1 Year Time Deposit

Rate is applicable for more than one year less than two years for this yen date specified deposit

1 year
Jun 2018
Shinsei Bank 1 Year Time Deposit

This yen denominated interest rate indicated for the 'PowerFlex Yen Time Deposit' for a 1 year term. It also requires 5,000,000 yen or more.

1 year
Jun 2018
SMBC 1 Year Time Deposit

Rate is applicable for the 'Regularly scheduled super-large'  Yen deposit for the prime rate of less than � 3 million yen and for a 1 year period

1 year
Aug 2019